It always seems like the popular kids

have more fun. But really, it's the HAPPY kids

that do! Once I learned that...


For some, social media is a natural part of

being a teenager. But for so many others,

social media can turn into...


I know I'm not the BEST-looking person

in school, but I'm not the WORST-looking

either... But what I am then?...


I don't care what other people do! I never have

& probably never will. So when I hear some of

the things that other girls do...


My parents think I'll fall for anything... Guys think

I'll fall for anything... but some guys ARE nice!

Or am I just being groomed?...   


My dad was 5 years older than my mom when they started dating... So what's the BIG DEAL with me dating an 18yr old at 13!? We've known each other since...


I needed money! I was tired of asking & begging

my mom all the time... but I didn't want to just take

ANY job! So for the 1st time in my life...


All girls care about today is what you can buy them!!

So some guys flash cash or fancy cars to get girls...

I don't want to do that. But how can I...?.   


If I start making money now at 14 - & start saving &

investing it... I can live a comfortable life when I get

older... So I've started...


I just wish they would leave me alone!! I stay in my

room most of the time & they STILL come bother me!

Why can't they understand that...?


I'm 13. My big brother is 19 & off at college. My sister

is turning 18 & leaving for college soon too...

So for the next 2 years it'll just be...


My parents decided to get pregnant & have a new kid

when I was 16. They never asked me how I felt. They

just did it! & now - 18 months later...


I'm 17 & 5 foot 4 inches tall. Most of my guy friends tower over me (some girls too). Short guys don't get the same attention as tall guys...  When will I ever...?


I try to eat healthy, but it's hard. Working out is even harder! I hate getting sweaty!! But my dad & brothers keep telling me that I need to...   


I don't understand why my parents want me to see a therapist... They don't like my friends. They don't like my choices. They want me to live my life like them!


Many of my friends are on their way off to college

& I am not... I'm starting a 2-year apprenticeship my mother set up for me, but I wish that I had...


I messed up a good relationship & friendship because I listened to people I THOUGHT were my friends!... I

was just trying to fit in but now I know that...   


I let my boyfriend of 2 years & social media pressure me to do something I wasn't ready to do... I was never

in a rush to have sex. I don't know how...