I know at 50 I am no longer young...
But I don't consider myself old yet either!
Society tells you "YOUTH" is a particular age, but...
Our 3 kids are at college or hanging with friends
& my spouse is always on the run...
Is this my time to be selfish or wait at home &...?
I know I'm going to sound like a hypocrite,
but increasingly, the more I see young people
it makes me feel like...
Frankly speaking, I didn't know in my early 20's
what I know now! But now, I don't have time to
play games - sex for me is about...
After my divorce, friends said I should start dating
but I wasn't ready for a while. Then I met someone
& we like each other, but I'm not sure that...
At my age, if she's 30 - she's almost half my age!
A 25-year difference!! But would I have sex with
a 70-year old?? I'm starting to find out that...
I didn't make the best work decisions
in my early years. Now my friends are making plans
for retirement but I'm not sure if...
I'm at an age where my kids still need me financially
- but now my parents need me more too.
Right now, more money seems to be...
I've been taught my whole life to save...
And I have - but now I want to spend my money
on things that make me happy now! Is that wrong?